Five Must-Have Safety Signs for a Healthier Workplace
Safety in the workplace has always been one of the major concerns in any industries. The good news is that businesses are a lot smarter now in addressing safety concerns thanks to technology.
According to OSHA, in the past decade, the number of work related injuries have decreased from 10.9 incidents per 100 workers in 1972 to 3 incidents per 100 workers in 2015. Needless to say, promoting safety is a continuous effort. There’s still a lot of things to be done to prevent workplace injuries from happening.
Safety signs help in promoting safety and injury prevention. Signs are essential in businesses for a reason. It's the most direct and obvious tool you can use to communicate crucial information not just to your customers but also to your employees. Safety precautions included.
Usually brightly colored and uses a bold typeface, these signs are made to be visible wherever you are in the establishment. It is designed to attract attention and provide information that people, including your employees, should follow especially if it affects their safety.
Here are the five must-have safety signs in your business.
By definition, wayfinding is designed to help others get from point A to point B. But actually, business owners can use these signages to communicate safety messages.
Inform workers of alternative routes when they pass by an area filled with heavy machinery or warn them about slippery surfaces. Wayfinding signs can also steer workers away from congested areas and direct them to safer routes. These signs can also be used as a guide to fire exits, emergency egress routes, and lifesaving equipment.
Most fire extinguisher signs are also equipped with a directive arrow to guide tenants on where it is stored.
Emergency Egress
An egress door is designed to allow easy escape from an establishment in the case of an emergency or any situation that requires evacuation like fire breakouts. OSHA has several rules regarding communicating emergency egress that every commercial establishment should follow.
Here are the guidelines to clear ‘EXIT’ signs:
- Every exit must be visible and marked with the sign that reads ‘EXIT’
- Line-of-sight to an ‘EXIT’ must be visible at all times
- The word ‘EXIT’ must be legible with lettering at least 6” high
- Exit signs must be posted along the exit route, including access to the nearest exit where the path is not obvious.
- A mark that says ‘NOT AN EXIT’ or something similar must be placed on a door in case that door is mistaken as an exit.
Arc Flash Safety Sign
Arc flash hazard signs are strongly recommended to be placed on any electrical equipment where employees need to perform work while the equipment is still energized. This usually includes equipment such as switchboards, panelboards, and meter socket enclosures.
NFPA 70E, also known as Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, is a standard of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Basically, this requires employers implement safety procedures to protect employees from electrical hazards while they are working on energized electrical conductors or circuit parts.
Here are basic signage requirements that adhere to the NFPA policies:
Nominal System Voltage
This identifies the voltage class of a circuit or piece of equipment and communicates the potential shock hazard or degree of danger.
Arc Flash Boundary
This is the distance from the equipment at which an unprotected person might receive a second-degree burn in a case of an arc flash.
This outlines the required PPE for safety.
PPE Safety Signs
Safety signs can be used to identify which protective equipment should be worn in a work area. Signs can also be used to instruct which eyewear to use when there’s dust or flying particles. These can also be used to warn workers if there’s a loud noise in the area and instruct them on the right ear protection equipment to use.
Equipment Maintenance Sign
Equipment for work requires routine maintenance, inspection, and repair. Safety signs can be used to warn employees about which machines require lockout/tagout (LO/TO) before servicing and when an LO/TO procedure is being performed.